If you have diabetes, is it okay to eat canola oil?
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If you have diabetes, is it okay to eat canola oil?

The contentious element is discussed by nutritionists and certified diabetic educators. If you’ve been on social media in the past few years, you’ve probably seen influencers discuss vegetable oils—canola oil being one of them—and their opinions. Even if some of these claims may seem alarming, we understand that you require further evidence-based information to enable…

If you have diabetes, avoid these five breakfast mistakes.
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If you have diabetes, avoid these five breakfast mistakes.

Here’s how to maintain a healthy blood sugar range while still enjoying your meals. Breakfast is a chance to establish the tone for the day, particularly for those with diabetes. Your blood sugar levels later in the day are influenced by your breakfast, which has an effect on your general health, energy level, and mood….

Dietitians Suggested the Top 6 Vegetables for Metabolic Syndrome
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Dietitians Suggested the Top 6 Vegetables for Metabolic Syndrome

Maintaining a healthy diet that includes these six veggies can help you fight metabolic syndrome. The common disorder known as metabolic syndrome is characterized by symptoms like weight gain, particularly around the waist, high blood pressure, and raised cholesterol. It’s also connected to other health problems like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. It’s not necessary…

A Dietitian Lists the Five “Bad” Carbs You Should Eat If You Have Diabetes
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A Dietitian Lists the Five “Bad” Carbs You Should Eat If You Have Diabetes

If you have diabetes, you can still benefit from carbs. Not all carbohydrates must be avoided if you have diabetes, despite what you may have been told. When it comes to actively controlling your blood sugar, there may be some benefits to some carbohydrates that have been stigmatized as “bad” or off-limits. When you have…

Yes – A Study Says Its Possible to Prevent Diabetes by Eating Your Food in the Right Order
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Yes – A Study Says Its Possible to Prevent Diabetes by Eating Your Food in the Right Order

We investigate why this might be true—and why it might not be. Approximately 96 million American adults, or more than one in three, have prediabetes, a condition in which blood sugar levels are higher than usual but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and…

5 Fats to Help Lower Your Cholesterol  – Suggested By A Dietitian

5 Fats to Help Lower Your Cholesterol – Suggested By A Dietitian

Although cholesterol has a negative reputation, it is actually essential for good health. Actually, the body uses cholesterol—which is produced by your liver—in a variety of ways, including the synthesis of hormones. LDL cholesterol, or “bad” cholesterol, can rise when certain forms of fat—such as saturated and trans fat, which are present in fatty meats…