Fasting for Wellness: Beyond Weight Loss
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Fasting for Wellness: Beyond Weight Loss

In the contemporary quest for wellness, fasting emerges not just as a method for weight loss, but as a holistic practice with deep roots in various cultures and traditions. This practice, which involves voluntarily abstaining from food for specific periods, has been scientifically shown to offer a plethora of benefits beyond the mere reduction of…

Is Diabetes Possible if You Eat Too Much Sugar? What Experts Have to Say About It
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Is Diabetes Possible if You Eat Too Much Sugar? What Experts Have to Say About It

Diabetes can be developed and managed in part through diet, but diet is not the primary contributor. There are a lot of theories as to what causes diabetes, and one of them is that eating too much sugar. Diabetes is a complicated illness brought on by several variables. Diabetes is caused by a complex web…

If you have diabetes, avoid these five breakfast mistakes.
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If you have diabetes, avoid these five breakfast mistakes.

Here’s how to maintain a healthy blood sugar range while still enjoying your meals. Breakfast is a chance to establish the tone for the day, particularly for those with diabetes. Your blood sugar levels later in the day are influenced by your breakfast, which has an effect on your general health, energy level, and mood….

Diabetes Can Raise Your Chances of Liver Disease: Things You Can Do to Avoid
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Diabetes Can Raise Your Chances of Liver Disease: Things You Can Do to Avoid

You may significantly influence the health of your liver with a few simple lifestyle adjustments. The American Diabetes Association estimates that 37.3 million Americans suffer from diabetes, a metabolic disease that most likely affects someone you know. Diabetes raises your risk of getting other illnesses, such heart disease. The condition formerly known as nonalcoholic fatty…

Is Insulin Resistance Reversible? What a Diabetes Expert Has to Say About It
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Is Insulin Resistance Reversible? What a Diabetes Expert Has to Say About It

According to a 2021 study published in Appetite, one unanticipated effect of the COVID-19 pandemic is the increased awareness of healthy eating and lifestyle choices. Although this is certainly a good discovery, one important facet of our health that is still being overlooked is metabolic wellness. Primarily, insulin resistance—a tacit disturbance impacting millions of individuals…

Doctor Says This Is the Most Surprising Nutrient for Gut Health
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Doctor Says This Is the Most Surprising Nutrient for Gut Health

Maintaining healthy behaviors for your gut is essential to keeping it well-balanced, as new research clearly shows. Gut health is fundamental to holistic health. Family medicine specialist Laura Purdy, M.D., M.B.A., is board-certified. “Your gut has lots of bacteria that play a role in immune health, blood sugar control, heart and brain health, and the…

Dietitians List the Top 7 Nutrients to Support Gut Health
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Dietitians List the Top 7 Nutrients to Support Gut Health

Signs of digestive distress are more common than you may believe, ranging from continuous stomach pain to episodes of bloating, waves of nausea, watery stools, and backed-up intestines. Disturbances with digestion affect around 70 million Americans, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Probiotics and prebiotics are two options that…

5 Fats to Help Lower Your Cholesterol  – Suggested By A Dietitian

5 Fats to Help Lower Your Cholesterol – Suggested By A Dietitian

Although cholesterol has a negative reputation, it is actually essential for good health. Actually, the body uses cholesterol—which is produced by your liver—in a variety of ways, including the synthesis of hormones. LDL cholesterol, or “bad” cholesterol, can rise when certain forms of fat—such as saturated and trans fat, which are present in fatty meats…

Embracing Serenity: The Art of Mindful Meditation in Nature
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Embracing Serenity: The Art of Mindful Meditation in Nature

Exploring Paths to Inner Peace: Five Nature-Inspired Meditation Practices In our fast-paced world, finding moments of peace and tranquility can be challenging. However, the practice of mindful meditation in nature offers a powerful antidote to the stresses of daily life. By connecting with the natural world through meditation, we can cultivate a state of serenity…